Chamber Beat - June 2021

We want to thank the entire membership of the Chamber for making Boats, Beats, and Bites even possible. Last year, when the thoughts and ideas were being tossed around for a re-imagined summer festival, the Chamber was asked to participate. As the event started to take shape we were in the midst of the pandemic. There was a lot of confidence that some type of festival would take shape, but who would take the financial risk of putting those things in place? The Chamber Members stepped up and said we will.

Our membership stepped up, and in the first two-weeks of asking for sponsorships they pledged their support. They did this at the height of the case counts and rising hospitalizations while the committee kept working the plan. Without the commitments from the members this festival would not have taken place this year. 

This is yet another reason we should never forget our small businessmen and women! They never forget about the community they work and live in.  Even after the worst 12-months in the history of small business, they ARE committed to the community without hesitation. The members knew this community needed an event to celebrate the lake and the surrounding area. They knew that YOU would be happy.  

Keep your small business in mind for EVERY shopping trip you make. As you enjoy the free Lake Fest weekend full of music, kid zone, family fun activities, and more, please keep all those in mind that made it possible. We can assure you, that they never forget about you


Your Board of Directors


Music Beat - June 2021


Arts Beat - June 2021