Community Beat - June 2021

After more than a year of closures and canceled events, Belleville is quickly bouncing back.  Restaurants are seeing healthy attendance, area services businesses are reporting strong activity, the local real estate market continues to roar, community and chamber events (like the new Lake Fest June 25-27 and crowd-favorite Thunder Over Michigan August 7-8) are largely back on track, facilities like the Library and High School are back in full operation, a host of new retail businesses are opening their doors and lake activity is truly booming. With rising interest in open spaces, such as the West Coast of Wayne County, Belleville appears to be drawing more visitors and residents and beginning to restore its reputation as a summer resort community where the likes of Edison, Ford and Lindbergh would brainstorm how to win WW2 while boating and gallivanting on the gorgeous lake. 


Sports Beat - June 2021