Team Designs - The McWilliams Method

The team at Team Designs - photo by Shana Marie

The McWilliams method to success = the team, the team, the team…

by SAM CHILDS - Beat Scribe

“Who does your hair? It looks great!” Doesn’t it feel good to hear those words? If it has been a while since you’ve had that feeling, maybe you need to add Kelly McWilliams and her staff at Team Designs to your personal team.

If you spend any amount of time talking to Kelly about her business it will be obvious that she is an incredibly humble and grounded person. While she has operated a successful business in Belleville for 25 years, surviving both the Great Recession of 2008 and the COVID Pandemic, it is nearly impossible to get her to toot her own horn. While she serves on the Downtown Development Authority and was recently a Grand Marshall of the Winterfest Parade, she will be the last person to tell you these details. If you ask her how she has survived and thrived as a business person in Belleville, the first thing she will tell you about is her team. So, because Kelly would never be so boastful, allow me to present what I see as the Kelly McWilliams Method to Business Success.

Step 1: Have a strong foundation of education and training in your field. Kelly knew she wanted to work in the beauty industry at a young age. Her mother owned a salon in Belleville, Jerry’s Foxy Lady, and it wasn’t long before sixth-grader Kelly began spending time there. As a student at Belleville High School, Kelly was able to take advantage of the vocational education opportunity to study at Virginia Farrell Beauty School. Kelly recalls it fondly, “Kudos to Belleville High School for having that program. And I was lucky because I loved it.” Upon graduation, she went right to work as a stylist at her mom’s salon.

Step 2: Experience different work environments in your industry. Identify what you like and dislike. Establish your own core values and philosophy.

After her mom sold her salon, Kelly would work in two different salons over the course of three years. During this time, she became frustrated by the “animosity and jealousy” that she witnessed between co-workers. She realized in 1997 that she wanted to open her own shop where she would establish a team mentality. “If you don’t want to work as a team, this isn’t the place for you. We share our formulas, we pick each other’s brains. It doesn’t mean you’re not a great artist, stylist, or technician just because you’re asking someone for help.” As she explains, “I wanted an environment where everybody wanted to learn from each other, and where I could bring good education into the salon.”

Step 3: Identify and retain talented and loyal staff members, while nurturing new talent.

“I have the best team,” Kelly states matter-of-factly. She employs a level system to designate the growth that a stylist has demonstrated. Kelly and her two long-time team members Christee Sykes and Mary Sharp are Level 5 Stylists. Kelly and Christee’s friendship goes all the way back to Jerry’s Foxy Lady and Christee moved to Team Designs shortly after it opened. Mary began working as a Team Designs receptionist when she was still in high school, before going to beauty school and becoming a stylist. Kelly is always looking to nurture new talent, as well, and her team includes developing artists at levels 1-4. While the levels serve as a motivational factor for the staff, it serves as pricing guidance for the customer. You’ll spend less when you entrust a lower level stylist or spend more to go up levels. Kelly feels she has great team members to meet customers at every price level, “We have something for everyone right now. We have new talent that is growing.” Other long-time team members include nail technicians Pam Weise and Nicole Goike, and hairstylists Ashley Brice and Ally Powers.

Step 4: Invest in the continuing education of your staff.

“We bring in artists four times a year for some kind of education. We stay up to date on the new techniques and new things that are coming out. Even before they come out we are able to get the education in the salon. We do financial education so that our staff are knowledgeable about where their money is going and how they can invest to have a retirement later.” The staff also travels to Chicago, Ohio, and Florida for education. “It’s fun to see one of our team members learn something new and come back and be energized with passion.”

Step 5: Love what you do.

It’s clear that Kelly still loves what she does, “There’s more than just doing hair and dollars. We’ve made relationships with our clients.” Kelly has three clients that have been with her since she got out of Beauty School. “I just love this industry. Who gets to touch people every day and make them feel good about themselves? Not many people do. It’s fun and you get to see your results that day. You get to make someone feel so good. I feel like I must be creative and when I’m creative, that’s when I’m the happiest.” Her advice to a young person entering the beauty industry is to “stay focused and follow your passion. Watch both the experienced and new talent and learn from them” and “the biggest thing is listening to the client.”

Whether it’s your hair, nails, or skin, if you want that “I look great!” feeling, consider visiting the talented artists at Team Designs. Kelly and her team offer cuts and styling, coloring, texture waves, blow- outs, and nail services at a variety of price points. There’s even an on-site aesthetician.


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